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tv   Government Access Programming  SFGTV  January 16, 2019 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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>> first, this should take about ten minutes. hopefully. that would be a miracle. and then i'd like to respond to any questions you may have. >> thank you. the board of education passed the resolution in 2014, specifically to address the disproportionate suspension of african-american students back in 2014, african-american students comprised 11% of the school district, but students made up 60% of the suspension. so that disproportionate is what prompted this. latino students? at the time there were latino students represented 23% of the district and 23% of district
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suspensions. i'd like to point out the disproportionateality that prompted this. a safe to school find is a school with a positive and welcoming environment where all students and families feel a strong sense of belonging and students receive academic and emotional support. safe and supportive schools is not only a resolution, but also now a priority in our district's strategic plan. every year, how. how do we support schools? every year, we offer professional development and coaching to over a thousand staff. i've listed several of them here with restorative practices. 141 staff have been trained this year. there are over 800 from the previous school years.
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one of the most requested is safety care or de-escalation. 240 staff have received training from august. over 1200 the past two years and there are 22 more opportunities this year. one of the most important focus is the work of hammond, in her book teaching of the brain. i want to commend my colleagues in lead because several of the lead cohorts have embraced the book and it aligns itself perfectly to the work with restorative practices, and trauma informed practices as well. i want to note there are several support staff that are allocated to schools through the multi-tiered sources of work. they meet with my staff monthly and talk about social and they're continuing in the training of social and emotional support in students. we have offered training to all
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of our after-school lead agencies. how well? so once the staff attend the training, it's important for schools to have a way of assessing their progress and how well they're implements strategies they're learning. all schools have been trained by coaches and staff on the use of the inventory, which is a 15-question tool that schools will complete with their coach and ask questions such as do you have a climate culture team, does the team meet on a regular basis? the national research tells you if you score 70% on the tfi, you will be implementing with fidelity and you will see the desired results. that would be decreased in suspension and absenteeism. tonight as we look at the data in key areas, i'm going to identify some of our bright
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spots. in the elementary schools that is calling on bret harte and john muir and i'll tell you about them later. in middle schools, i'm going to be mentioning things about marina denman. and i want to call out and recognize wallenberg and washington high schools. in this slide, note we are comparing -- >> as you look at this slide, it's fall to fall, to fall, fall, 16 to 17, to 18. this data for chronic absenteeism is what we report to the state as average daily attendance. if a student shows up for one period, they are present for the day. in the past, i have reported on period attendance, which is why some people see a difference on the attendance i report and the
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attendance ricci reports. let me tell you the different. ada attendance. a student is suspended second period. that student is marked present for that day. in period, that student is there for one period and absent. that student is marked absent for five periods. when that student, every time they accumulate six periods of attendance, it equals one day of absence. that is proceed attendance. average daily attendance, you show up for one period, you're there for the day. this is what we report to the state. this is what i'm slowing you now. -- showing you now. in the past, because i do have to focus on suspension and instructional minutes lost, i look at period attendance. period attendance will be much higher. looking specifically at you, commissioner cook. we got through that. see that.
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that's the first confusing part. from the data, i'm going to talk about attendance later, but i'm going to get through the slides. i know you'll have questions. i have my pointer here. see that. as a district you can see -- yeah, you can -- no, you can't see. it doesn't work. oh, you can do it over here? once you get it on the screen, it doesn't do it. as a district, 11% of the students district-wide are chronically absent compared to 9% last fall. when compared to all african-american students, 29% district-wide are chronically absent compared to 26% last fall and 23% the previous fall. i want to look at office discipline referrals. this is showing interesting and concerning trends that we need to dive deeper. this is precisely why we had the mid year review to work with the
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lead and administrators to ask important questions with respect to these trends. if you look at middle school, i have a reason to do this in the next slide. if you look at middle schools, you see for every 100 middle school students there are 42 out of class referrals. for every 100 african-american students, there are 250 out of class referrals. that is up sharply from last fall when there was 153. compare that to the high school data. in the high school we see a sharp decrease in referrals. for every 100 high school students there are 14.5 out of class referrals. down from last year 23. and 35 the previous year. there is 65 referrals compared to 115 last fall. and 183 the year before. i don't have an explanation for that right now, but these are
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the types of things we want to ask, what is contributing to that trend? now i mentioned middle schools. i want to look at suspensions now. with suspensions we're continuing fall to fall to fall for the past three years to identify trends. as you can see, as a district, this mirrors last fall. for every 100 students there are 1.3 suspensions. for african-american suspensions, every division has decreased from this fall since last fall and the fall before. so you see for african-american suspensions, the biggest decrease is from middle schools. so i just mentioned middle schools before and you see with the office discipline referral increasing as much as they would, you think the suspensions would increase, but that's not the case. there are more referrals in middle school, but they're not getting suspended.
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that is something to look at. 100 african-american, there are 14.3 suspensions compared to 16.3 the previous year. next slide, arrest citations and detentions. this slide shows students who made contact to address a student issue. it's important to note not all of these are arrests. in fact, most of them are not. when a student is taken into custody by sfpd, it doesn't mean they're arrested, they could be cited, admonished and released to parents. sometimes they never even visit a police station. these are the numbers last year. we saw the lowest numbers of arrest citations in detentions in recorded history at 38. there were 196 when i started this.
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it's important for this one, i want to point out it's been 18 last fall, but in this particular slide i'm looking at the whole school year 16-17, not just the first semester. and just the fall semester of fall 2018, because that's the data. this is half a year. the others were fall to fall to fall. this is whole school year, too. you can see the breakdown of ethnicity as well. foster youth. this year, i chose and asked my team to give me data on foster youth. we need to take a closer look. they're one of our most vulnerable populations. i don't usually have a slide just identifying foster youth, but they're a priority. we can talk about the support and services for foster youth, but right now, i want to say they're chronically absent at a higher rate than the district rate. you can see it from the data. from 16-17 to 17-18 we saw challenges and successes so,
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this again, is last year summary data. not the fall of the previous year. chronic absenteeism in middle school decreased from 53% to 35% for foster youth. that's still high, but it's a big decrease. significantly in middle cool from 61% to 23% overall for the high school, even though -- although the high school foster rate increased. across levels and for suspensions you can see that cross levels of the last three years, foster youth have been suspended at a higher rate than the district average, but there have been gains. i do want to point out the dashboard does show that while the suspension rate is very high for foster youth, the rate went down. so as a result, the district
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moved from red to yellow. worse to better on the dashboard. our disparities among the african-american youth in foster care, we've seen a decrease in all levels from 17-18. behind those bars, the african-american numbers are reducing at a higher rate. the heat maps. i get to show you the heat maps. this is new. the heat maps are -- i want to recognize the research planning and accountability office for creating these heat maps. especially alex kennedy who is a rock star. they look at specific schools
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and they give you an opportunity to compare schools. i want, if you look at the heat map, you look at white, white is shaded white area, is the district average. the bluer you go, the more standard deviation better than the district. the darker blue you go, the better you're doing. so if we look at the first column of chronic absenteeism, if you are closest to the white shaded area could be average. the lighter blue is less students chronically absent. darker blue means you have the lowest number of chronically absent students. so bluer the better. if you go into the yellow, that means you have more students chronically absent than the average. red, you have the highest rate of chronically absent students.
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it's like a thermometer. bluer is better. in this slide -- and thanks again, alec. thank you, thank you. he's right there. all right. i want to recognize john muir. john muir, school number 154 al also, commissioners, if you go into the heat code, it will give you the numbers for every school. john muir has the lowest rate of african-american suspensions. tier 1, school wide recognize nation -- here's what they're doing school wide recognition for the attendance in the week. popcorn party. telephones by the principal.
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they have tier 2 tier 3. student who are chronically absent receive their own plant they have to come to school every day to water it. i think that's brilliant. positive school culture and climate -- so, thank you, john muir. positive school climate and culture, to create positive relations with families in using a strength based lens. positive phone calls home from teacher and principal, monthly classroom letters. and opportunities to engage at school. the second step is positive behavior curriculum. they teach the positive lessons every week and is consistent over the last four years for restorative practices. the next school i want to recognize is bret harte. bret harte has, again you can
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see it all in blue, so it's better than the district average in all areas. bret harte has implemented a sflien which -- design which is called the culture club. they began with the needs assessment, built out a teacher-led team, used data to drive decision-making. they have engaged teachers in the training on how restorative practices conversations can happen in the moment. middle school. the middle schools i chose to highlight is marina and -- by the way, these charts for african-american students, you have to have minimum of 15 african-american students to even show up. so if you see schools that are
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not listed there -- after the question slide, there is that is all students in the whole school. middle school, that is all. high school, that is all. i'm going to go back. so i'm back to middle school. it's just african-american student and you need a minimum of 15 students. both of the schools, marina and denman have been showing progress. marina shows better than the district rate for every area other than tardies. at marina, the message from the principal is a priority is strengthening relationships with students. it takes a village to make the school. when the students break the rules, it's important to understand why the rules exist in the first place. what is the desired behavior? and what does breaking the rule look like? who has been harmed in the incident and what can be done to make that person harmed feel safer at school?
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denman is showing good. good job, marina. denman is showing better than the district average rates, in all areas, except suspensions, but their out of class referral rate has continued to decline. denman pride expectations throughout the school with multiple tier 1 and tier 2 supports for the students. denman staffs two head counselors, one of whom is here tonight. one to oversee behavioral and one to oversee academic. they creating a wellness center. yay, denman. high schools. i chose to highlight a couple of high school. wallenberg and washington. principal of wallenberg is here.
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i want to say that the two schools at the top. i want to call out wallenberg and washington. wallenberg who has demonstrated -- demonstrating better than the district average for african-american students in chronic absenteeism and suspensions. wallenberg has one of the lowest absenteeism rates with all of the high school. they attribute this in a change to the bell schedule. every monday during p.d., teachers have an opportunity for teachers to meet with the parent. if the student is absent, parents are called immediately. they have parent conferences for every student that have more than five absences. so thank you, wallenberg. very good. and at washington high school, whose suspension rate and out of class referral is better than the high school average. washington high school has the shoutout to recognize students
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who demonstrate community, achievement, respect, equity, care. they use restorative meetings as a first option when conflicts arise. and their student assessment meetings represent the programs to ensure that struggling students get multiple levels of support. yay, washington high school. again, with the heat maps, it gives you a cluster. again, this is to spark conversation. to look at different schools to say what are you doing that i'm not? and it's to look at a school across the band to identify trends, challenges and also to really spark the conversation we need to have in these areas. i'm done. thank you very much. i'm leaving. no. no questions. >> no, you're just getting started. >> seeing no questions, thank you. >> we do have public comment for this presentation.
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so when you hear your name called, make your way to the podium. georgia. susan. kevin. julie. marie. julia. and there are only two more. >> good evening, again, commissioners and superintendent. i coordinate the parent advisory council. i'm the parent also of two high school students in the district. i wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the slide number 8 around foster youth.
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although they make up a small portion of the student body, they are some of our students most vulnerable for falling through the cracks in the system and flying under the radar for supports and services. foster youth, i think that's only one of their identity. they're also students who are english language learners, students receiving special education services and/or students who are african-american students in our district. so -- they all qualify for free and reduced lunch. because they're small portion of our student body, it's challenging sometimes for students -- for school communities to look at data at the site level. and that is probably one of those things that contributes to what are the needs to have the students who are in foster care. and as mr. truity mentioned, the suspensions did decrease, they
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moved from red to yellow, but five out of the six metrics are out in the red. the state has identified our youth in foster care as priority students. focal students. and we get additional funding to support them. so i wanted to say thank you for having that slide in there. our foster youth have often been left out of presentations because they are a small population and that is one of the challenges. thank you. please stand by. please stand by.
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>> they choose not toñiñr attend school because they areñiñit( ñc ñcir
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>> my name is julielpñrçóñi robi family union andñr close the gai coalition. i want toçó welcome our new mj4(p&c% i wantedñi to wy togetherñkó sf what other folksñi mentioned. when we firsxrñi beganq implemeg reductionñirin suspe ñi continued theñie1 implementation and training thai we'veçóçó gaps reopen.ñrñi it's great to see that wew3 have bright spots. it's4=iq9q to talkñi about howi we expand the brightñr spots ind more systematic way.ñi opportunities, you hearçó in san francisco, individual teachersñr and the teacher's union areñiko requesting the kinds ofçraining in other parts of thexd countrys powerful. makej+%uz we're doing thatokw3
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one offáçóñr theñr opportunities cook asked are wei8/ providingó ñi ó
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they are figuring out what do we need for our schools. what the strategie strategies tl work for us. i want to echo that the state is great. as pretty active parent i don't know we have culture and climate team. i don't know if we're implementing things for our schoolings. we'll love get those to school sites. >> i want to start with acknowledging this land is home to the original stewards of territory. i'm committed to uplifting of this land. i noticed ever since president cook has started off different things, i would love so see the
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school board acknowledge the land and the reason why, we can start acknowledging the history. going to the safe school initiative, all have restorative practices. please reinvest in restorative practices. lot of time restorative practice is traditional knowledge here on this land we're from. just circle back and think about that and knowledge, we're using technology. another thing is, can we get some child care. seriously when teenager come in the school board meeting there's child care in the back there. it's really hard.
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that's all i have to say about that. i want to say, congratulations to all the new members and members who won again allison collins and gabby. i'm excited. somebody said it's not business as usual. i love hearing that. it's new school board and new day. thank you. >> good evening board commissioners and superintendent matthew and everyone in attendance. i'm part of the leadership team for apec. tonight, we wanted to come out. for the past three years, apec has advocated for implementation of our restorative practice. there will be full rollout but up until now, it is still not taking place. we would like to know when the
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plan is actually going to be fully rolled out and observed throughout all our children school sites? we've noticed that with some of our own individual children and heard from families that there are many issues that are currently using restorative practices. we would like to know what's the plan for full rollout and how sites have been trained being supported to ensure that it is happening. as our data shows, african-american students are still topping off discipline charts. as we shared earlier this year, during our annual presentation, african-american families continue to report that they and their students don't feel as if they have equitable academic and emotional support which impacts their ability to receive a high quality education.
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on a personal note, which i said before, until we start holding our administrators and teachers accountable for implement takings of restorative practices and not allowing them to opt into it, we're going to continue to see the numbers that we have. they need to be held accountable whether it's through the contracts or whatever. >> good evening. my name is rachel robinson. i stood on the african-american parent advisory council. i wanted to bring up this evening about the presentation is that, we still see that at an alarming rate that the staff is signing up for deescalation versus other training listed.
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there were no numbers or statistics in regards to which schools were being using that and how they're using it, how it was being implemented at the school sites. other thing is for our bright spot schools i'm so happy they're doing great things for schools exhibiting the same behavior and using the same ideas. what's being offered to them? how are we looking at the system and going back and seeing if there's something that can be done different or what need is not being served. other thing is for the decrease that marina had the 3% of suspension, i'm curious how many were black and brown students of the three. i think that's all the questions and answers that i had.
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thank you. thank you for all your questions. i will turn it over to questionser from commissioners. >> commissioner lopez: you mentioned there were multiple tunnel it is games to engage. we've been hearing from the public that's not the case for all schools. how do you get the word out and is it available in languages for the people that you're serving? >> for opportunities for parent engagement, we do have a family partnership model which melody can speak to more. i'm engaged in -- positive behavior strategies a the school, the school engagement activity are done at the school site. i want to know specifically about the opportunities that
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you're asking about commissioner lopez. at the school site, i can't speak for all the school sites. their uniques are unique to that particular school site. our trainings that we are offer, we do invite our parent advisory committee, members to our training. one was mentioned about the new attention work group. as far as the opportunities for the community to engage at the school site, i think those are opportunities that our school site generated. i don't know i all of them. we can inquire about that. it's part of the family partnership model opportunities for parents to be engaged. something is happening at every school. i can't really speak to in general what those are. >> president cook: do you want to bring someone up? you want to wait?
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>> good evening commissioners. welcome all the new commissioners. congratulations. would you like me to give you the brief summary of the partnership model. it took about three years in the making develop the sfusd family partnership model. the model was developed throughout a design, design team structure where two of my staff, we had at least 30 to 40 different sessions with community partners with families with students over the course of the year. coleman advocates were very involved, all of the different parent advisory groups, parents for public schools, mission graduates. we met with many community partners to develop this model.
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it's a model that has six primary practice areas that involves creating equitable school community, how then tech- authentic relations partnerships, trusting relationships, creating nurturing. one of the really big practice areas is connecting family partnership to learning. linking it to learning and really working from a dual capacity model where the capacity of the families and students is being developed along with sfusd staff and partners. we've developed a training where a school site can identify what we call a process lead and go to a training and then go through a process with their school community to identify a family partnership action plan. that's the engagement part it's not as though the school
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sits down and say we're going to figure out how to engage families without talking to the folks they trying to engage. that's the first part of the model. then you have an action plan within that it may include workshops you would provide to families. we have a spa. we're developing curriculum and content for different workshops around navigating sfusd supporting your students. a wide topics was identified through the design process. it's a very robust model. the trainings for the partnership model started this fall. the spa workshops probably start being implemented maybe a few by the end of the spring but in more larger numbers than the fall. >> president cook: commissioner
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collins. >> commissioner collins: we adopted this in 2014. is that correct? but it was based on a previous resolution which was adopted in 2009 which was also -- in support of comprehensive school climate restorative justice and actually suspension and expulsion. we've been working on this for the past ten years. i think what i'm hearing from folks is that, they like the resolution. the problem is actually implementation. i guess what i like to ask, i'm looking at the resolution now. i want to ask if these things a happening or not. it says in here that restorative practices training and pbis supports will be available to all teachers throughout the district. is that currently happening?
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>> yes. >> commissioner collins: every single teacher is trained in r.p.? >> no. those opportunities have been made viable ever -- available ey year. we've been offering thousands of teachers have been trained over a year. >> commissioner collins: it's not up teacher to decide to do the training? >> it's not mandatory. the 2009 commissioner collins, the 2009 date that you mentioned, former supervisor kim was just here, that was her resolution. 2009 for restorative practices when i came into my role in 2011, that was not being implemented. we struggle with that. we had a several community mee meetings. that resolution never really -- i don't want say from 2009 to 2014, we were implementing restorative practices we were
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struggling with restorative practices. 2014 brought in safe and supportive schools to actually implement restorative practices because we were not doing that before. >> commissioner collins: we tried to do it in 2009 and we didn't. we trying to do it now but it may not be happening at all sites? >> yes. >> commissioner collins: we are -- we're embracing restorative practices at all levels including central office staff. is happening? how are we seeing restorative practices happening in central offices? >> that's a good question. i'm very restorative. [laughter] i actually can tell you the truth. what we really wanted -- to be a district that thinks of repairing harm, recognizing
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relationships, strengthsening relationships and not being punitive is something we do want at all our schools. we actually -- it's a good practice for adult behavior as well. the attention there was -- i can tell you in ways we've had conflicts between adults in the district. we can use that strategy because enough of us know how to do that. >> commissioner collins: i appreciate that. my understanding we don't know whether there's any structures in place to ensure that's happening. >> many central office staff have been trained in restorative practices. >> commissioner collins: we don't know specifically how many for there's a structure in place. >> i have a log all the numbers of our piece. >> commissioner collins: i'm hearing from apec families. they want to see that as well with trauma informed practices, pbis. any of the thing we've listed it will be helpful to see by site
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how many folks have been trained in the different thing and what percentage of the site. when i was at san francisco we had lot of problems few years ago. staff were saying they weren't train ened and they wanted to be trained. >> i do have numbers for every year. i don't is have them by site. i can't say that -- we've got quite lot of adjustment there. i can tell you numbers i should be able to tell you division. >> commissioner collins: in the future, i will be really interested seeing numbers by site. i'm seeing we have behavior deescalation, that's another one i'm interested in seeing. it says here we're doing
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database decision making, implementation should regularly collecting and analysessing dats and share it with the school community to informed disciplinary practices and procedures. i do all schools have behavior plans? >> the expectation is that they do. the behavior support plan and the behavior -- we got president solomon there. i'm meggsing on the title -- missing on the title now. it's in the actual contract. [indiscernible] >> commissioner collins: is it happening at every school? >> i don't collect them. the expectation is it is. it is certainly stated to every principal.
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>> commissioner collins: how how are we gathering feedback. eir hear it's great and my experience before we had principal now it's great. we were saying we were doing it. my question how do we know that the stakeholders experiencing it feel it's effective? >> that's a very good question. i don't have an answer. >> we do culture and climate surveys. we use that data to let us know what the stak stakeholders are feeling about their schools. you ask the question about the behavior plan. the expectation is that -- we have assistants for each the school cohorts. it's responsibility of the assistants to make sure that is happening it at this time. how are we making sure that parents know about the behavior plans and are able to participate in creating those
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behavior plans? >> one of the things with the t.f.i. when the culture climate team is to assess data in the school, what's happening social emotional data. how are students treating each other and define the behavior expectation, how are he going to communicate those to student and also to families. it's also part of the expectation. how they do that i don't know. >> commissioner collins: i'm talking about involving families in creating it. >> i think that will be most desirable way to do it. >> commissioner collins: we don't know if that's happening at all? >> no, we don't. >> commissioner collins: i like to see data. another point where we're getting feedback, we've heard families request transfers because they don't feel safe. i heard lot of black families they don't feel safe because of cultural safety they feel like their children are being
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targeted. i'm sure that happens with other communities like lgbtq families. i like to know are we tracking data around request for transfer based on health and well being and safety transfers. can we see that by school and by issue? not the specific incident but type of category of issues. >> yes. >> commissioner collins: are we doing that with bullying and voice complaints? >> it depends on where the complaint is coming in. if it comes into office of family voice, we know the nature of that concern. as far as safety transfers goes these a reason for the safety transfer.
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actually, if we go into bases, there's bullying and we can pull that category. we do have distinct kind of disspirit data points. >> commissioner collins: at my school we had problem. lot of the kids getting suspended, were bringin bringinn knives because they felt unsafe. they were getting triggered. our staff was not trained to deescalate. things weren't getting resolved and they would boil up again. there was name calling and those kind of things were happening so kids were feeling unsafe.
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it seems like our focus is on students getting suspended and we're not looking at condition of learning. we as adults don't have a bias and capable. i like for us to be looking what we're doing because i think it's a great policy. i think it's up to us to implement and how well we implement, we're seeing great results. i like to see kind of how we're doing with implementation. i guess, finally, i there's a huge focus on african-american students. i think it's interesting that we talk about behavior as the way we define safe school. we should also be looking at cultural safety and lot of black families and other groups are also say their schools don't feel safe culturally. without that component, being
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called out how we talk about race in our schools and we're willing to do that, that is having a lot of impacts at the schools. i like to see how we can track that across schools. which communities are doing that and some are doing well. so thank you. >> president cook: commissioner sanchez. >> vice president sanchez: thank you for the presentation. you mentioned something about the board group. who makings up the body of that? >> couple of things i want to mention about attendance this year. at the beginning of the year we identified 28 schools at bright spot to reduce chronic absenteeism by african-american students by greater than 4%. we presented all of that data to
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lead and mid-october. we haven't done the mid-semester. we shared bright spot then. attendance work group have the most important effort that we've embarked this fall. it consistent about 30 staff from almost every office and division in the district, parent advisory groups and administrators. the goal is to develop direct-wide plan that support student attendance. the work group members have been questioned into teams and conduct number of listening sessions with stakeholder group. principals, teachers, family, students, city agency partners. to develop the recommendation for districtwide plan attendance plan to be presented to the superintendent and the board in
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the spring, 2019 beginning in the start of next school year. >> vice president sanchez: first slide, slide 4. chronic absenteeism. the numbers are terrible for african-american students. if you actually subtracted on the blue line, african-american students. that's all students from the district, disparity between african-american students and chronic absenteeism, all of those studenting will be wider. i like to see future presentation show the real numbers. it's really dramatic as it is. but it's more dramatic than we think. >> commissioner sanchez. tell me that again.
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>> vice president sanchez: the blue line is all students. the despairty will grow. if we take out the african-american students from that group. >> african-american and all others and then you'll have a wide disparity. >> commissioner sanchez: that's the reality of the situation. commissioner collins mentioned something about transfers.
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i'm very aware of the spring transfers that happened. they are disproportionately african-american students. what does happen on side note spring transfers student ghost to school that have room for them. i asked while back, we look at the spring transfers and what we can do. statistically we should know what the numbers are racially and how we can really support the students transferred mid-year. those students are the most in crises. >> there are two things i want to clarify. there's a spring transfer process. family is not happy with their school. they desire a different school. any family can walk into e.p.c.
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and request a transfer. they do not involve people services. they are not part of the safety transfer. that parent maybe requesting that transfer, it's just a regular spring transfer that any parent has right to request. i'm giving reason why. they are just going through e.p.c. and they're requesting if there's an opening i like to transfer to this school. there is specific protocol that the specific teen that assesses that, sees if there's a safety issue. safety transfers know what is go through people services. there's a batch of transfers that go through the spring transfer process which is for people that wasn't to change schools. we don't know why. but they have a right to transfer schools. that can be transportation issues or neighborhood issues.
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it could be safety issues as well. those spring transfers are different. >> is there any way it combine them to see what the numbers are? >> we could. we can look all the e.p.c. spring transfers. i don't want to con plat conflae two. we can get both and keep those distinct transfer groups. that's fine. >> commissioner sanchez: there that will be great in. last question along the lines of restorative practices, professional development. it's not mandatory. i'm highly encourage. i do think that we should be finding out in realtime how many staff have had that training. that's basically pulling the principals who pulls the site
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for the staff. making it -- i don't know what we can provide. i have had personally the training. i instituted at both schools as principal. we saw great results overtime. i think we need make i it it's happening as much as possible. if we look at the schools on the new slides that the heat maps, all the ones in the red at the bottom red, we should prioritize those schools. we need it make sure that those schools are not just encouraged but given lot of encourage to get there. do you have any comments on that?